- Windows 8 Recovery Disk Download
- Buy Windows 8 Disc
- Windows 8 Repair Disk Download
- Buy Windows 8.1 Disk
There are any number of reasons why someone might want to download Windows 8, or maybe the newer Windows 8.1. Most obviously, if you don't have Windows 8, getting your hands on the operating system via a download is much easier than buying a boxed copy.

Even if you already have Windows 8 on a computer, most manufacturers don't include a copy, making a clean install of Windows 8 or 8.1 pretty much impossible. Plus, having a copy of Windows 8 makes some kinds of troubleshooting a lot easier.
Vmware workstartion 12 pro serial key. Finally, maybe you just want to give it a try on a spare computer or on a virtual machine. You've seen the prices for Windows 8 and it isn't cheap. There are probably free copies of Windows 8 floating around somewhere, right?
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Best Buy customers often prefer the following products when searching for Windows 8 Disk. Browse the top-ranked list of Windows 8 Disk below along with associated reviews and opinions. Main Results. If you're installing Windows 8 or 8.1 with a disc, your computer will need to be equipped with an optical drive, and you'll need to insert the disc into your computer's optical bay. Then, follow the on-screen prompts to install the operating system.
Windows 10 is the most recent version of Windows available and can be upgraded to from a currently installed Windows 8 or Windows 7 OS. See Where Can I Download Windows 10? for help.
Where Can I Download Windows 8 or 8.1?
There are several ways to download Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 online, but of them are only a couple completely legal methods.
There is a Windows 8 trial option, as well as some not-so-legal methods of downloading Windows 8, all of which is discussed below.
If you do have a copy of Windows 8 or 8.1 (in ISO format or on a disc or flash drive) and also have that copy of Windows 8 installed and working but you've lost your product key, there may be a way to find it. See How to Find Your Windows 8 or 8.1 Product Key for help.
There are three, completely legal ways to download a full copy of Windows 8.1.
If you're new to Windows 8, purchasing Windows 8.1 (Windows 8 with the 8.1 update already included) is probably the smartest choice. Sometimes you can find a less expensive boxed copy of Windows 8 (before the 8.1 update) from general retailers like Amazon or from an electronics outlet like NewEgg, which you can then update to Windows 8.1 for free after installation.
Your second option, useful if you have experience working with ISO images, is to download Windows 8.1 directly from Microsoft. Please note, however, that unlike buying Windows 8 new, a Windows 8 download from Microsoft doesn't get you the product key you need to activate Windows.
Visit Microsoft's Download Windows 8.1 Disc Image (ISO File) page.
Pick the Windows 8.1 edition you want, and select Confirm.
Unless there's a specific reason to pick another option, most people should select Windows 8.1.
Choose the Windows 8.1 ISO download you want. There's both a 32-bit and 64-bit download option.
Your final option is to download Windows 8.1 or Windows 8 for 'free' as part of a paid Visual Studio subscription (previously called an MSDN subscription), which runs for several hundred dollars per year. You'll get a copy of Windows 8.1 in ISO format, ready for burning to a disc or transferring to a USB device.
This is a professional subscription program available for purchase by anyone, but designed for software developers. You get access to all full versions of Windows 8 & 8.1, including valid product keys, in addition to software and keys for almost every software and operating system Microsoft has ever created.
The Visual Studio subscription program is anything but cheap. Unless you're a software developer or some other professional IT person that needs access to multiple operating systems, a Visual Studio subscription probably isn't a cost effective way to legally download Windows 8.
If you already have a Windows 8 or 8.1 disc or ISO and are only trying to download Windows 8 because you need to install it on a computer without an optical drive, there is a way to get the files from the disc or ISO onto a flash drive. Mac app store download another computer. See How to Install Windows 8 or 8.1 From USB for a complete tutorial. Intellij community edition download mac.
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It's important to follow the disc or USB creation instructions linked above if you want to put your Windows 8 download on a DVD or flash drive. You can't boot to the Windows 8 media just by downloading the ISO directly onto the disc or drive. A very specific process, explained in those links, is what you need to follow to make the Windows 8 download bootable.
Routing protocols and concepts pdf. Routers that use EIGRP send messages so that other routers learn routes, they listen for messages to learn routes, they choose the best route among multiple routes to the same subnet based on a metric, and they react and converge when the network topology changes.Of course, EIGRP works differently in several ways as compared to RIPv2. Instead of naming the original IGRP Version 1, and the new one IGRP Version 2, Cisco named the new version Enhanced IGRP (EIGRP).EIGRP acts a little like a DV protocol, and a little like no other routing protocol. Cisco has already created the Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) in the 1980s, and the same needs that drove people to create RIPv2 and OSPF drove Cisco to improve IGRP as well. Frankly, over the years, different Cisco documents and different books (mine included) have characterized EIGRP as either its own category, called a balanced hybrid routing protocol, or as some kind of advanced DV protocol.Regardless of what label you put on EIGRP, the protocol uses several features that work either like basic DV protocols such as RIP, or they work similarly enough.
Windows 8 Recovery Disk Download
Any other free or incredibly inexpensive Windows 8 or 8.1 download you find online is almost certainly illegal, including Windows 8 ISO files you might find on torrent sites. Legal issues aside, these Windows 8 downloads, unlike the official ones from Microsoft, run the very serious risk of containing a surprise or two.
For example, a number of Windows 8 & 8.1 downloads available from unofficial sources are 'cracked' versions of Windows 8 installation discs, meaning that they've been changed for one reason or another and could easily contain malware. It would be very unfortunate to install Windows 8 on your computer and be automatically infected with a virus.
Please know that when you pay for Windows 8, what you're actually paying for is the product key used to activate Windows 8. In other words, even if you do download Windows 8 from someone other than Microsoft, whether it's a clean and legitimate copy of Windows 8 or not, you'll still need a valid Windows 8 product key to use the operating system. Christine de pizan pdf.
Don't Download Windows 8: Replace It
A much better option for those of you with lost or broken, but valid, copies of Windows 8 or 8.1 is to order replacement media. In your case, there's no reason to pay full price for another copy of Windows 8 or risk being infected with malware.
On your Mac, click the Trash icon in the Dock. In the window that appears, do one of the following: Empty one item from the Trash: Control-click the item you want to delete, then choose Delete Immediately. In the warning message that appears, click Delete. Empty all of the Trash: Click the Empty button in the upper-right corner of the Finder. Now, many Mac users have installed the new Mac operating system – macOS 10.13 High Sierra. Some of them may need solution to securely delete files under macOS 10.13 High Sierra. In this article, we will guide you to permanently and securely delete files from macOS 10.13 High Sierra system. Thank you so much. I couldn't delete from the Application icon in my dock, but I was able to go to the Application folder in Finder. I did not right-click, but I used the 'trash can' icon I had added to the Finder toolbar. That sent it to Trash (it made me enter the administrator password first), and I then emptied Trash and I was fine. How to delete the sierra mac os download torrent.
If Windows 8 came preinstalled on your computer, and you did have DVD or flash media but now it's damaged or lost, contact your computer maker for a replacement. Torrent. Depending on their policy, your computer maker might provide you with Windows 8 media for free or a small fee.
If you purchased a retail Windows 8 DVD, you can contact the Microsoft Supplemental Parts team and request a replacement.
While not a replacement for Windows 8, please know that you also have the option to create a Recovery Drive for Windows 8 using a friend's Windows 8 PC, all for the cost of a small flash drive. Your Recovery Drive can be used to perform all the diagnostic and repair functions that a full copy of Windows 8 can. Astraware hellfire for android download. See How to Create a Windows 8 or 8.1 Recovery Drive for instructions.
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Buying Guide to Windows 8 Full Version
If you want to bring your computer up to speed with a commonly used Windows operating system, you might want to purchase a fully licensed version of Windows 8. It's easy to find the operating system software you need on eBay, and here are the things you should know before you make a final purchase.
Buy Windows 8 Disc

There are several versions of the Windows 8 operating system:
- Windows 8: Windows 8 is the direct successor of Windows 7, and it introduced the Charms navigation system. This operating system boasts most of the features of Windows 7, but it provides an alternate form of application navigation that more closely resembles the app icons found on smartphones. Windows 8 was simultaneously released for PCs, tablets, and smartphones.
- Windows 8.1: Windows 8.1 is a significant update to Windows 8. Unlike Windows 8, the charms system is optional in Windows 8.1, and there are a number of other added features in this update that make the user experience more convenient.
- Windows 8 Home: Windows 8 Home is designed for basic consumer use. It comes with programs and features that make home computing easy.
- Windows 8 Professional: This version of Windows 8 is loaded with features that you can use in the office, such as Domain Join.
There are three ways to install Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 on your computer. Most of the pieces of software in this collection are stored on discs, but you can also download these Windows operating systems over the internet or load them on USB drives. If you're installing Windows 8 or 8.1 with a disc, your computer will need to be equipped with an optical drive, and you'll need to insert the disc into your computer's optical bay. Then, follow the on-screen prompts to install the operating system.
Windows 8 Repair Disk Download
How do you pick the right Windows 8 version?Since it's easy to upgrade from Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP to either Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, you can choose either operating system. Windows 8.1 contains all of the features that are offered with Windows 8. Windows 8 was designed specifically for touch screens, and 8.1 enhanced performance on non-touch screen computers However, Windows 8.1 is slightly more expensive than Windows 8, which may play into your considerations somewhat.